Source code for desdeo_emo.EAs.TournamentEA

from desdeo_emo.population.Population import Population
from desdeo_emo.EAs.BaseEA import BaseEA, eaError
from desdeo_emo.selection.TournamentSelection import TournamentSelection
import numpy as np

[docs]class TournamentEA(BaseEA): def __init__( self, problem, initial_population: Population, n_gen_per_iter: int = 10, n_iterations: int = 10, tournament_size: int = 5, population_size: int = 500, ): """Run generations of evolutionary algorithm using tournament selection. Parameters ---------- population : "Population" This variable is updated as evolution takes place ea_parameters : dict Takes the EA parameters. Returns ------- Population: Returns the Population after evolution. """ super().__init__(n_gen_per_iter=n_gen_per_iter, n_iterations=n_iterations) if initial_population is None: msg = "Provide initial population" raise eaError(msg) self.population = initial_population self.target_pop_size = population_size self.tournament_size = tournament_size selection_operator = TournamentSelection(self.population, self.tournament_size) self.selection_operator = selection_operator
[docs] def start(self): pass
[docs] def end(self): """Conducts non-dominated sorting at the end of the evolution process Returns: tuple: The first element is a 2-D array of the decision vectors of the non-dominated solutions. The second element is a 2-D array of the corresponding objective values. """ non_dom = self.population.non_dominated_objectives() return ( self.population.individuals[non_dom, :], self.population.objectives[non_dom, :], )
[docs] def _next_gen(self): """Run one generation of decomposition based EA. This method leaves method.params unchanged. Intended to be used by next_iteration. Parameters ---------- population: "Population" Population object """ selected = offspring = self.population.mate(mating_individuals=selected) self.population.delete(np.arange(len(self.population.individuals))) self.population.add(offspring) self._current_gen_count += 1 self._gen_count_in_curr_iteration += 1 self._function_evaluation_count += offspring.shape[0]
[docs] def select(self) -> list: return