Source code for desdeo_emo.recombination.evonn_xover_mutation

import numpy as np
from random import shuffle

[docs]def mate( mating_pop, individuals: list, params, crossover_type=None, mutation_type=None ): """Swap nodes between two partners and mutate based on standard deviation. Parameters ---------- mating_pop : list List of indices of individuals to mate. If None, choose from population randomly. Each entry should contain two indices, one for each parent. individuals : list List of all individuals. params : dict Parameters for evolution. If None, use defaults. Returns ------- offspring : list The offsprings produced as a result of crossover and mutation. """ prob_crossover = params.get("prob_crossover", 0.8) prob_mutation = params.get("prob_mutation", 0.3) mut_strength = params.get("mut_strength", 1.0) cur_gen = params.get("current_total_gen_count", 1) total_gen = params.get("total_generations", 10) std_dev = (5 / 3) * (1 - cur_gen / total_gen) if std_dev < 0: std_dev = 0 if mating_pop is None: mating_pop = [] for i in range(len(individuals)): mating_pop.append([i, np.random.randint(len(individuals))]) offspring = [] for mates in mating_pop: offspring1 = np.copy(individuals[mates[0]]) offspring2 = np.copy(individuals[mates[1]]) # Crossover for i in range(offspring1.shape[1]): if np.random.random() < prob_crossover: tmp = np.copy(offspring1[:, i]) offspring1[:, i] = offspring2[:, i] offspring2[:, i] = tmp if mutation_type == "gaussian" or mutation_type is None: # Method : Gaussian (default) # Take a random number of connections based on probability and mutate based # on standard deviation, calculated once per generation. connections = offspring1.size mut_val = np.random.normal(0, std_dev, connections) * mut_strength mut = np.random.choice( connections, np.random.binomial(connections, prob_mutation), replace=False, ) offspring1.ravel()[mut] += offspring1.ravel()[mut] * mut_val[mut] mut_val = np.random.normal(0, std_dev, connections) * mut_strength mut = np.random.choice( connections, np.random.binomial(connections, prob_mutation), replace=False, ) offspring2.ravel()[mut] += offspring2.ravel()[mut] * mut_val[mut] elif mutation_type == "self-adapting": # Method: Self adapting mutation # Choose two random individuals and a random number of connections, # mutate offspring based on current gen and connections of two randomly # chosen individuals # Randomly select two individuals with current match active (=non-zero) connections = offspring1.size select = np.asarray(individuals)[ np.random.choice(np.nonzero(np.asarray(individuals))[0], 2) ] mut = np.random.choice( connections, np.random.binomial(connections, prob_mutation), replace=False, ) offspring1.ravel()[mut] = offspring1.ravel()[mut] + mut_strength * ( 1 - cur_gen / total_gen ) * (select[1].ravel()[mut] - select[0].ravel()[mut]) select = np.asarray(individuals)[ np.random.choice(np.nonzero(np.asarray(individuals))[0], 2) ] mut = np.random.choice( connections, np.random.binomial(connections, prob_mutation), replace=False, ) offspring2.ravel()[mut] = offspring2.ravel()[mut] + mut_strength * ( 1 - cur_gen / total_gen ) * (select[1].ravel()[mut] - select[0].ravel()[mut]) else: pass offspring.extend((offspring1, offspring2)) return offspring
[docs]class EvoNNRecombination: def __init__( self, evolver: "BaseEA", ProC: float = 0.8, ProM: float = 0.3, mutation_strength: float = 1.0, mutation_type: str = "gaussian", ): self.evolver = evolver self.mutation_type: str = mutation_type self.ProC: float = ProC self.ProM: float = ProM self.mutation_strength: float = mutation_strength
[docs] def do(self, pop, mating_pop_ids: list = None): cur_gen = self.evolver.__getattribute__("_current_gen_count") total_gen = self.evolver.__getattribute__("total_gen_count") pop_size = pop.shape[0] if mating_pop_ids is None: shuffled_ids = list(range(pop_size)) shuffle(shuffled_ids) else: shuffled_ids = mating_pop_ids # TODO fix the need for the following # [1,2,3,4] -> [[1,2],[3,4]] if np.asarray(shuffled_ids).ndim == 1: mating_pop = [ [shuffled_ids[x], shuffled_ids[x]] for x in range(len(shuffled_ids)) if x % 2 == 0 ] elif np.asarray(shuffled_ids).ndim == 2: mating_pop = shuffled_ids std_dev = (5 / 3) * (1 - cur_gen / total_gen) offspring = [] for mates in mating_pop: offspring1 = np.copy(pop[mates[0]]) offspring2 = np.copy(pop[mates[1]]) # Crossover for i in range(offspring1.shape[1]): if np.random.random() < self.ProC: tmp = np.copy(offspring1[:, i]) offspring1[:, i] = offspring2[:, i] offspring2[:, i] = tmp if self.mutation_type == "gaussian" or self.mutation_type is None: # Method : Gaussian (default) # Take a random number of connections based on probability and mutate based # on standard deviation, calculated once per generation. connections = offspring1.size mut_val = ( np.random.normal(0, std_dev, connections) * self.mutation_strength ) mut = np.random.choice( connections, np.random.binomial(connections, self.ProM), replace=False, ) offspring1.ravel()[mut] += offspring1.ravel()[mut] * mut_val[mut] mut_val = ( np.random.normal(0, std_dev, connections) * self.mutation_strength ) mut = np.random.choice( connections, np.random.binomial(connections, self.ProM), replace=False, ) offspring2.ravel()[mut] += offspring2.ravel()[mut] * mut_val[mut] elif self.mutation_type == "self-adapting": # Method: Self adapting mutation # Choose two random individuals and a random number of connections, # mutate offspring based on current gen and connections of two randomly # chosen individuals # Randomly select two individuals with current match active (=non-zero) connections = offspring1.size select = np.asarray(pop)[ np.random.choice(np.nonzero(np.asarray(pop))[0], 2) ] mut = np.random.choice( connections, np.random.binomial(connections, self.ProM), replace=False, ) offspring1.ravel()[mut] = offspring1.ravel()[ mut ] + self.mutation_strength * (1 - cur_gen / total_gen) * ( select[1].ravel()[mut] - select[0].ravel()[mut] ) select = np.asarray(pop)[ np.random.choice(np.nonzero(np.asarray(pop))[0], 2) ] mut = np.random.choice( connections, np.random.binomial(connections, self.ProM), replace=False, ) offspring2.ravel()[mut] = offspring2.ravel()[ mut ] + self.mutation_strength * (1 - cur_gen / total_gen) * ( select[1].ravel()[mut] - select[0].ravel()[mut] ) else: pass offspring.extend((offspring1, offspring2)) return np.asarray(offspring)