Source code for desdeo_emo.selection.TournamentSelection

import numpy as np
from typing import List
from desdeo_emo.selection.SelectionBase import SelectionBase
from desdeo_emo.population.Population import Population

[docs]class TournamentSelection(SelectionBase): """ Tournament selection operator. Parameters ---------- pop : Population The population of individuals tournament_size : int Size of the tournament. """ def __init__(self, pop, tournament_size): # initialize = #self.pop_size = pop.pop_size self.tournament_size = tournament_size # TODO: add the opt fitness, which is the custom set of fitness values e.g self.local_fitnesss
[docs] def do(self, pop, fitness) -> List[int]: """ Performs tournament selections and returns the parents. Parameters ---------- pop : Population The current population. Returns ------- List[int] List of indices of the selected individuals """ = fitness self.pop_size =[0] parents = [] for i in range(int(self.pop_size)): parents.append( np.asarray( self._tour_select(), self._tour_select(), )) return parents
[docs] def _tour_select(self): """Tournament selection. Choose number of individuals to participate and select the one with the best fitness. Parameters ---------- fitness : array_like An array of each individual's fitness. tournament_size : int Number of participants in the tournament. Returns ------- int The index of the best individual. """ # make next 4 lines prettier and check if PBEA article uses Deterministic tournament selection fitness =[:,0] aspirants = np.random.choice(len(fitness)-1, self.tournament_size, replace=False) chosen = [] for ind in aspirants: chosen.append([ind, fitness[ind]]) chosen.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) return chosen[0][0]