Source code for desdeo_emo.surrogatemodels.BioGP

from random import choice, random
from math import ceil
from typing import Callable, Dict, Type, Tuple

import numpy as np
from desdeo_problem.surrogatemodels.SurrogateModels import BaseRegressor, ModelError
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, mean_squared_log_error, r2_score

from desdeo_emo.EAs.BaseEA import BaseEA
from desdeo_emo.EAs.PPGA import PPGA
from desdeo_emo.EAs.TournamentEA import TournamentEA

# from graphviz import Digraph, Source
import pandas as pd
from desdeo_emo.surrogatemodels.Problem import surrogateProblem
from desdeo_emo.population.SurrogatePopulation import SurrogatePopulation
from desdeo_emo.recombination.biogp_xover import BioGP_xover
from desdeo_emo.recombination.biogp_mutation import BioGP_mutation
from desdeo_emo.utilities.plotlyanimate import animate_init_, animate_next_

[docs]def negative_r2_score(y_true, y_pred): return -r2_score(y_true, y_pred)
[docs]class Node: """A node object representing a function or terminal node in the tree. Parameters ---------- value : function, str or float A function node has as its value a function. Terminal nodes contain variables which are either float or str. depth : int The depth the node is at. function_set : array_like The function set to use when creating the trees. terminal_set : array_like The terminals (variables and constants) to use when creating the trees. """ def __init__( self, value, depth, max_depth, max_subtrees, prob_terminal, function_set, terminal_set, ): self.value = value self.depth = depth self.max_depth = max_depth self.max_subtrees = max_subtrees self.prob_terminal = prob_terminal self.function_set = function_set self.terminal_set = terminal_set self.nodes = [] self.nodes_at_depth = None self.total_depth = None self.roots = []
[docs] def predict(self, decision_variables=None): if callable(self.value): values = [root.predict(decision_variables) for root in self.roots] if self.depth == 0: self.value = sum(values) return self.value else: return self.value(*values) else: if isinstance(decision_variables, np.ndarray) and isinstance( self.value, str ): return decision_variables[ :, int("".join(filter(str.isdigit, self.value))) - 1 ] if isinstance(self.value, str): return np.asarray(decision_variables[self.value]).reshape(-1, 1) else: return np.full((decision_variables.shape[0], 1), self.value)
[docs] def node_label(self): # return string label if callable(self.value): return self.value.__name__ else: return str(self.value)
[docs] def draw(self, dot, count): # dot & count are lists in order to pass "by reference" node_name = str(count[0]) dot[0].node(node_name, self.node_label()) for node in self.roots: count[0] += 1 dot[0].edge(node_name, str(count[0])) node.draw(dot, count)
"""def draw_tree(self, name="tree", footer=""): dot = [Digraph()] dot[0].attr(kw="graph", label=footer) count = [0] self.draw(dot, count) Source(dot[0], filename=name + ".gv", format="png").render()"""
[docs] def get_sub_nodes(self): """Get all nodes belonging to the subtree under the current node. Returns ------- nodes : list A list of nodes in the subtree. """ nodes = [] nodes_at_depth = {} stack = [self] while stack: cur_node = stack[0] depth = cur_node.depth if cur_node.depth not in nodes_at_depth: nodes_at_depth[cur_node.depth] = [] nodes_at_depth[cur_node.depth].append(cur_node) stack = stack[1:] nodes.append(cur_node) if len(cur_node.roots) > 0: depth += 1 for child in cur_node.roots: child.depth = depth stack.append(child) self.nodes_at_depth = nodes_at_depth self.total_depth = max(key for key in self.nodes_at_depth.keys()) return nodes
[docs] def grow_tree(self, max_depth=None, method="grow", depth=0, ind=None): """Create a random tree recursively using either grow or full method. Parameters ---------- max_depth : int The maximum depth of the tree. method : str Methods: 'grow', 'full'. For the 'grow' method, nodes are chosen at random from both functions and terminals. The 'full' method chooses nodes from the function set until the max depth is reached, and then terminals are chosen. depth : int Current depth. ind : :obj: The starting node from which to begin growing trees. """ node = None if max_depth is None: max_depth = self.max_depth if depth == 0: if ind is None: ind = LinearNode(value="linear") num_subtrees = self.max_subtrees for i in range(len(ind.roots), num_subtrees): node = self.grow_tree(max_depth, method, depth=depth + 1) ind.roots.append(node) # Make terminal node elif depth >= max_depth or method == "grow" and random() < self.prob_terminal: node = Node( depth=depth, function_set=self.function_set, terminal_set=self.terminal_set, value=None, max_depth=self.max_depth, max_subtrees=self.max_subtrees, prob_terminal=self.prob_terminal, ) node.value = choice(node.terminal_set) # Make function node else: node = Node( depth=depth, function_set=self.function_set, terminal_set=self.terminal_set, value=None, max_depth=self.max_depth, max_subtrees=self.max_subtrees, prob_terminal=self.prob_terminal, ) node.value = choice(node.function_set) for i in range(node.value.__code__.co_argcount): # Check arity root = self.grow_tree(max_depth, method, depth=depth + 1) node.roots.append(root) return node
[docs]class LinearNode(Node): """The parent node of the tree, from which a number of subtrees emerge, as defined by the user. The linear node takes a weighted sum of the output from the subtrees and also uses a bias value. The weights and the bias are calculated by the linear least square technique. Parameters ---------- value : function, str or float A function node has as its value a function. Terminal nodes contain variables which are either float or str. depth : int The depth the node is at. """ def __init__( self, max_depth, max_subtrees, prob_terminal, function_set, terminal_set, error_lim, complexity_scalar=0.5, value="linear", depth=0, ): super().__init__( value=value, depth=depth, max_depth=max_depth, max_subtrees=max_subtrees, prob_terminal=prob_terminal, function_set=function_set, terminal_set=terminal_set, ) self.nodes_at_depth = {} self.error_lim = error_lim self.complexity_scalar = complexity_scalar self.out = None self.complexity = None = None self.linear = None
[docs] def calculate_linear(self, X_train, y_train): sub_trees = [] # Stack outputs of subtrees to form weight matrix for root in self.roots: sub_trees.append(root.predict(X_train)) sub_trees = np.hstack(sub_trees) axis = None if sub_trees.ndim > 1: axis = 1 sub_trees = np.insert(sub_trees, 0, 1, axis=axis) weights, *_ = np.linalg.lstsq(sub_trees, y_train, rcond=None) self.linear = weights out =, weights) # Error reduction ratio q, r = np.linalg.qr(sub_trees) s = np.linalg.lstsq(q, y_train, rcond=None)[0] error = np.divide((s ** 2 * np.sum(q * q, axis=0)), np.sum(out * out, axis=0)) # If error reduction ration < err_lim, delete root and grow new one for i, err in enumerate(error[1:]): if err < self.error_lim: del self.roots[i] self.grow_tree(max_depth=self.max_depth, method="grow", ind=self) self.nodes = self.get_sub_nodes() num_func_nodes = sum(1 for node in self.nodes if callable(node.value)) complexity = ( self.complexity_scalar * self.total_depth + (1 - self.complexity_scalar) * num_func_nodes ) self.out = out self.complexity = complexity return [self.out, self.complexity]
[docs]class BioGP(BaseRegressor): def __init__( self, training_algorithm: Type[BaseEA] = PPGA, pop_size: int = 500, probability_crossover: float = 0.9, probability_mutation: float = 0.3, max_depth: int = 5, max_subtrees: int = 4, prob_terminal: float = 0.5, complexity_scalar: float = 0.5, error_lim: float = 0.001, init_method: str = "ramped_half_and_half", model_selection_criterion: str = "min_error", loss_function: str = "mse", single_obj_generations: int = 10, function_set=("add", "sub", "mul", "div"), terminal_set=None, ): loss_functions = { "mse": mean_squared_error, "msle": mean_squared_log_error, "neg_r2": negative_r2_score, } self.function_map = { "add": self.add, "sub": self.sub, "mul": self.mul, "div": self.div, "sqrt": self.sqrt, "log": self.log, "sin": self.sin, "cos": self.cos, "tan": self.tan, "neg": self.neg, } self.training_algorithm = training_algorithm self.pop_size: int = pop_size self.probability_crossover: float = probability_crossover self.probability_mutation: float = probability_mutation self.max_depth: int = max_depth self.max_subtrees: int = max_subtrees self.prob_terminal: float = prob_terminal self.complexity_scalar: float = complexity_scalar self.error_lim: float = error_lim self.init_method: str = init_method self.model_selection_criterion: str = model_selection_criterion self.loss_function_str: str = loss_function self.loss_function: Callable = loss_functions[loss_function] self.single_obj_generations: int = single_obj_generations self.function_set_str: Tuple[str] = function_set self.function_set = [] for function in function_set: self.function_set.append(self.function_map[function]) self.terminal_set: Tuple = terminal_set # self.X: np.ndarray = None self.y: np.ndarray = None self.model_trained: bool = False # Model Parameters self.tree: LinearNode = None self.performance: Dict = {"RMSE": None, "R^2": None} self.model_population = None
[docs] def fit(self, X: pd.DataFrame, y: pd.DataFrame): if X.shape[0] != y.shape[0]: msg = ( f"Ensure that the number of samples in X and y are the same" f"Number of samples in X = {X.shape[0]}" f"Number of samples in y = {y.shape[0]}" ) raise ModelError(msg) self.X = X self.y = y if self.terminal_set is None: self.terminal_set = X.columns.tolist() # Create problem problem = surrogateProblem(performance_evaluator=self._model_performance) problem.n_of_objectives = 2 # Create Population initial_pop = self._create_individuals() population = SurrogatePopulation( problem, self.pop_size, initial_pop, None, None, None ) population.xover = BioGP_xover(probability_crossover=self.probability_crossover) population.mutation = BioGP_mutation( probability_mutation=self.probability_mutation ) # Do single objective evolution tournament_evolver = TournamentEA( problem, initial_population=population, population_size=self.pop_size, n_gen_per_iter=self.single_obj_generations, n_iterations=1, ) figure = animate_init_( tournament_evolver.population.objectives, filename="BioGP.html" ) while tournament_evolver.continue_evolution(): tournament_evolver.iterate() figure = animate_next_( tournament_evolver.population.objectives, figure, filename="BioGP.html", generation=tournament_evolver._iteration_counter, ) population = tournament_evolver.population # Do bi-objective evolution evolver = self.training_algorithm( problem, initial_population=population, population_size=self.pop_size, n_gen_per_iter=10, n_iterations=10, ) while evolver.continue_evolution(): evolver.iterate() figure = animate_next_( evolver.population.objectives, figure, filename="BioGP.html", generation=evolver._iteration_counter + tournament_evolver._iteration_counter, ) self.model_population = evolver.population # Selection self.model_trained = True
[docs] def _create_individuals(self): individuals = [] if self.init_method == "ramped_half_and_half": for md in range(ceil(self.max_depth / 2), self.max_depth + 1): for i in range(int(self.pop_size / (self.max_depth + 1))): ind = LinearNode( value="linear", max_depth=self.max_depth, max_subtrees=self.max_subtrees, prob_terminal=self.prob_terminal, function_set=self.function_set, terminal_set=self.terminal_set, error_lim=self.error_lim, ) ind.grow_tree(max_depth=md, method="grow", ind=ind) individuals.append(ind) for i in range(int(self.pop_size / (self.max_depth + 1))): ind = LinearNode( value="linear", max_depth=self.max_depth, max_subtrees=self.max_subtrees, prob_terminal=self.prob_terminal, function_set=self.function_set, terminal_set=self.terminal_set, error_lim=self.error_lim, ) ind.grow_tree(max_depth=md, method="full", ind=ind) individuals.append(ind) elif self.init_method == "full": for i in range(self.pop_size): ind = LinearNode( value="linear", max_depth=self.max_depth, max_subtrees=self.max_subtrees, prob_terminal=self.prob_terminal, function_set=self.function_set, terminal_set=self.terminal_set, error_lim=self.error_lim, ) ind.grow_tree(method="full", ind=ind) individuals.append(ind) elif self.init_method == "grow": for i in range(self.pop_size): ind = LinearNode( value="linear", max_depth=self.max_depth, max_subtrees=self.max_subtrees, prob_terminal=self.prob_terminal, function_set=self.function_set, terminal_set=self.terminal_set, error_lim=self.error_lim, ) ind.grow_tree(method="grow", ind=ind) individuals.append(ind) return np.asarray(individuals).reshape(-1, 1)
[docs] def _model_performance( self, trees: LinearNode, X: np.ndarray = None, y: np.ndarray = None ): if trees is None and self.model_trained is False: msg = "Model has not been trained yet" raise ModelError(msg) if trees is None: trees = self.tree if X is None: X = self.X y = self.y if len(trees) > 1: loss = [] complexity = [] for tree in trees: y_pred, ind_complexity = tree[0].calculate_linear(X, y) loss.append(self.loss_function(y, y_pred)) complexity.append(ind_complexity) else: y_pred, complexity = trees[0].calculate_linear(X, y) loss = self.loss_function(y, y_pred) return np.asarray((loss, complexity)).T
[docs] def predict(self, X: np.ndarray): if isinstance(X, (np.ndarray, list)): X = pd.DataFrame(X, columns=self.X.columns) sub_trees = [] # Stack outputs of subtrees to form weight matrix for root in self.tree.roots: sub_tree = root.predict(X) if sub_tree.size == 1: sub_tree = sub_tree.reshape(1) sub_trees.append(sub_tree) sub_trees = np.hstack(sub_trees) axis = None if sub_trees.ndim > 1: axis = 1 sub_trees = np.insert(sub_trees, 0, 1, axis=axis) y =, self.tree.linear) if isinstance(y, float): y = np.asarray([y]) return y, np.zeros_like(y)
[docs] def select(self): if self.model_selection_criterion == "min_error": # Return the model with the lowest error selected = np.argmin(self.model_population.objectives[:, 0]) # print(self.model_population.objectives) else: raise ModelError("Selection criterion not recognized. Use 'min_error'.") self.tree = self.model_population.individuals[selected][0] y_pred = self.predict(X=self.X)[0] self.performance["RMSE"] = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(self.y, y_pred)) self.performance["R^2"] = r2_score(self.y, y_pred)
[docs] def add(x, y): return np.add(x, y)
[docs] def sub(x, y): return np.subtract(x, y)
[docs] def mul(x, y): return np.multiply(x, y)
[docs] def div(x, y): y[y == 0] = 1.0 return np.divide(x, y)
[docs] def sqrt(x): return np.sqrt(np.abs(x))
[docs] def log(x): return np.where(np.abs(x) > 0.001, np.log(np.abs(x)), 0.0)
[docs] def sin(x): return np.sin(x)
[docs] def cos(x): return np.cos(x)
[docs] def tan(x): return np.tan(x)
[docs] def neg(x): return np.negative(x)