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Python implementation of MOEA/D

class desdeo_emo.EAs.MOEAD.MOEA_D(problem: desdeo_problem.MOProblem, n_neighbors: int = 20, n_parents: int = 2, use_repair: bool = True, initial_population: desdeo_emo.population.Population.Population = None, population_size: int = None, population_params: Dict = None, lattice_resolution: int = None, interact: bool = False, n_iterations: int = 10, n_gen_per_iter: int = 100, use_surrogates: bool = False, total_function_evaluations: int = 0, scalarization_function: desdeo_tools.scalarization.MOEADSF = PBI(), keep_archive: bool = False, save_non_dominated: bool = False)[source]

Bases: desdeo_emo.EAs.BaseEA.BaseDecompositionEA

Python implementation of MOEA/D

in IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 712-731, Dec. 2007, doi: 10.1109/TEVC.2007.892759.

  • problem (MOProblem) – The problem class object specifying the details of the problem.

  • scalarization_function (MOEADSF) – The scalarization function to compare the solutions. Some implementations can be found in desdeo-tools/scalarization/MOEADSF. By default it uses the PBI function.

  • n_neighbors (int, optional) – Number of reference vectors considered in the neighborhoods creation. The default number is 20.

  • population_params (Dict, optional) – The parameters for the population class, by default None. See desdeo_emo.population.Population for more details.

  • initial_population (Population, optional) – An initial population class, by default None. Use this if you want to set up a specific starting population, such as when the output of one EA is to be used as the input of another.

  • lattice_resolution (int, optional) – The number of divisions along individual axes in the objective space to be used while creating the reference vector lattice by the simplex lattice design. By default None

  • n_parents (int, optional) – Number of individuals considered for the generation of offspring solutions. The default option is 2.

  • a_priori (bool, optional) – A bool variable defining whether a priori preference is to be used or not. By default False

  • interact (bool, optional) – A bool variable defining whether interactive preference is to be used or not. By default False

  • use_surrogates (bool, optional) – A bool variable defining whether surrogate problems are to be used or not. By default False

  • n_iterations (int, optional) – The total number of iterations to be run, by default 10. This is not a hard limit and is only used for an internal counter.

  • n_gen_per_iter (int, optional) – The total number of generations in an iteration to be run, by default 100. This is not a hard limit and is only used for an internal counter.

  • total_function_evaluations (int, optional) – Set an upper limit to the total number of function evaluations. When set to zero, this argument is ignored and other termination criteria are used.


Run one generation of decomposition based EA. Intended to be used by next_iteration.

_select(current_neighborhood: int) list[source]

Describe a selection mechanism. Return indices of selected individuals.


List of indices of individuals to be selected.

Return type:
